
Wednesday, 16 January 2019

day 4 a 2

2 cups of berries.

1 egg.

1 table spoon of honey.

a pinch of cinnamon.

1 banana.

1/2 a cup on yoghurt.

 blend until all the ingredients are mixed together.

put in a cup and enjoy. 
Related image

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

bay 4 a 1

how long did it take to climb mount Everest ?
how many layers did you need to wear? 
did you ever thing that you would give up?
did you feel relieved we you reached the top?
when you looked at at mount Everest did you thing it was very very big ?

Monday, 14 January 2019

day 6 a 3

The World Wildlife Fund also known
as WWF are protecting the Saimaa 
ringed freshwater seals. 
They help to keep them safe by 
making snowbanks which are used to 
keep seal pups warm and stop them 
from freezing to death. 
These snowbanks have been successful 
and the population is slowly growing.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

day 5 a 2

Pros and Cons about working for DOC.

good things 
get to see new things everyday, help the  wildlife of new zealand and be fit and healthy.

                           not so good things                                                                       
       being bitten by mosquito, have to work in all types of weather and  don't see your friends and family very often.

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Day 2 Activity 2

black ferns

white  ferns

day 2 summer learning journey

I would love to visit Tane Mahuta someday, because it's part of nature. When I am in nature it makes me feel incredible within myself. I think standing next to Tane Mahuta would bring me much joy. Some of my friends were lucky enough to visit and it made them very happy here are a pictures of their adventure to meet Tane Mahuta, look how small they look next to Tane Mahuta.